Review of recent project

I am almost at the end of my seasonal noticing project where I have observed and responded to the changing seasons in my local park – Queen’s Park in Glasgow, Scotland.

I haven’t quite completed all of my paintings, but I think will have by the end of this year. I am currently reflecting on the project. Things that have come up for me are how much I have enjoyed getting to know my local area better during this project, and how exactly my creative process has enabled that to happen more deeply than simply walking there every day. Also, I have some considerations about why this project has caught my attention for the last 14 months – that’s quite a long time for an artist who is early on in the journey of learning to paint!


I love walking in green places. Ideally for at least an hour a day. It really lifts my spirit. If I miss a day or two then I don’t feel as well. I am in awe of how much the same place changes in character depending on season, weather, time of day and of course how I’m feeling in the moment filters that too.

Process deepening my own experience

During my seasonal noticing project, I took a lot of snapshots of things that caught my eye when walking. I didn’t think much about it whilst taking the photos but have used them to record what caught my attention in the moment. Sometimes what I have noticed seems random, but some themes have become clear when I look back through my camera roll.

I have been using some of my favourite photographs as a reference for my paintings. I’m not aiming to copy the photo, but to remind myself of the experience of being in the moment of taking the photo. Of course it takes a while to paint a picture so the experiences of doing the painting are part of the final piece as well as the memory of taking the walk when I took the photo – if that makes sense! I think the process of painting has impacted on my choice of what I want to look at as much as the looking has impacted what I paint.

Why seasonal noticing?

I think my seasonal noticing is something I have always enjoyed but in particular I find I have a lot of memories that link with the project. For example of running around under beech trees as a child and feeling really happy and free in that moment. Of spending time horse riding in the woods with my friend and our wonderful horses whatever the weather and it being such fun.

What next?

I think I’ll continue to be interested in trees and nature and seasons but I can feel a change in my practice needing to come in.

So, watch this space….

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The void…..


Loving autumn and its transient beauty