I am inspired by going out walking and noticing the seasonal changes happening in the natural world and influenced by how that makes me feel.

Hello, thanks for taking the time to find out more…

I am an artist who loves feeling connected to the natural world and its always changing beauty. I paint landscapes and still life works inspired by my seasonal noticings. I create expressive, celebratory paintings that try to capture the moments where I want to say “ooh, look!” and show someone how good it is. The moments when the everyday is transformed somehow into a glimpse of awesome wonder. I make art because it helps me to appreciate, connect with and express those moments. I get to carry them with me for longer by noticing them, savouring them through my practice, then sharing them with others via my paintings.


My current practice is one developed on the foundation of how during the time of Covid I used my creative practice a way to keep me happy and healthy during lockdown. I paint with acrylics at the moment. I like the immediacy of them as they dry quickly.

I walk in my local neighbourhood most days and further afield when I have the opportunity to do that. The walks give a way to observe the constant changes through the seasons in the natural world. My process is to walk, often with a favourite piece of music or with a podcast or audiobook on my headphones, and take it all in. I take snapshots of anything that catches my eye on my phone. If it is warm enough, and I have time, I sometimes get my sketchbook out too. When I get home I will use some of my snaps and drawings as references. Then I begin to paint, usually in a series, and see what happens. I like to work loosely and expressively but often to be able to recognise the reference in the final image, although sometimes that’s not the case.

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I got into making art and having a creative practice after a difficult time in my life and found it a powerful way to help me feel happy, motivated and centred in myself. I started a few years ago with still life and life drawing classes, then gradually developed and almost daily practice of drawing and painting.

I took up acrylics in March 2020 just as Covid started. I began by painting a lot of flower still life works over summer 2021 often using seasonal flowers as the subject, with a variety of vases that I have collected over the years. I do sometimes come back to those as I do love painting flowers very much. Then in late summer 2020 I embarked on my seasonal noticings of trees in August 2020. That project has come to an end at the end of 2021, although I think I may very well be doing some more tree paintings in future.

I have started side project at the end of 2021 of some more abstract intuitive work. I don’t know yet what’s happening with these but I’m enjoying the exploration none the less. This side project I’m calling my "Scribbly Paintings” for the moment. They are about colour and organic lines that remind me of the natural lines I see on my walks. That’s all I know about them so far.  

In 2022 I started my “Looking CLoser” themed work which so far has included a lots of close up photography and some still life paintings. In 2023 I want to take those explorations outside again.

I live and work in Glasgow, Scotland. I have a day job and make art when I can on evenings and weekends. Please get in touch if you want to talk about art, the creative process or find out about my paintings. I have a contact form here. I’d love to hear from you.